Voluntary Participant Survey

  DATE:            TIME (24hr): 

Participation in the Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) National Memory Screening Day survey is voluntary.
We do not ask for your name or other personal information, but we do put in a code for your site and your participation order.
The information you provide will assist AFA in its memory screening initiative.
Please complete this survey by indicating your answers by clicking the relevant boxes.
When you have completed the survey please inform your screener to complete and submit the form.
Thank you for your assistance.

Please start by entering your individual ID code:

Site ID Code:        Participant ID Code:

1. Are you male or female?

2. What is your age?
Under 25
85 and over

3. What is your primary race?
Black or African American
American Indian or Native American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
North Asian (for example, Chinese, Japanese)
Middle Eastern / South Asian
I prefer not to answer

4. Are you of Hispanic ethnic background?

5. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (Check only one)
Grade school
High school
Some undergraduate courses
Undergraduate degree
Graduate degree

6. When was the last time you saw a primary healthcare provider? (For example, doctor, nurse practitioner)
Within the past six months
Between six months to one year ago
Between one to two years ago
Longer than two years ago

7. Have you participated in the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit?

7a. If “Yes,” did you receive a cognitive assessment/ memory screening at that time?
     - - Yes
     - - No

8. Have you received any of the following screenings at a primary care provider’s office? (Check all that apply)
Blood pressure screening
Cancer screening
Cholesterol screening
Depression screening
Diabetes screening
Glaucoma screening
Memory screening
Other (specify):

I have never received a screening of any kind at a primary care provider’s office

9. Why did you come in today for a screening on National Memory Screening Day? (Check all that apply)
I have relatives with Alzheimer’s disease
I have noticed that I am more forgetful these days
I have gotten lost when I was outside my house
My family or friends have encouraged me to get screened
My employer suggested that I have my memory checked
I want to see how I will do and obtain a score for future comparison
I feel this is important to do regularly
I have received a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
I have received a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease
Other (specify):

10. If today’s screening test results suggest a need for further evaluation, which type of healthcare provider will you follow up with first? (Check only one)
Primary care physician
Nurse practitioner
Mental health professional (for example, psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor)
Other health specialist (specify):

11. Has your primary healthcare provider ever given you a memory screening?

    11a. If you checked “Yes” in Q.11, when did you have the memory screening?
         Within the past year
         Longer than one year ago

12. Has your primary healthcare provider (for example, doctor, nurse practitioner) ever provided information on ways to protect your memory / help reduce risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease?

13. Are you doing any of the following to help protect your memory? (Check all that apply)
Mental stimulation (For example, doing puzzles, playing board games, doing brain exercises, etc.)
Managing stress
Eating a healthy diet
Limiting alcohol consumption
Taking nutritional supplements
Socializing more
Controlling other health risk factors, such as depression and high blood pressure
Physical exercise. (if you select this option, please answer questions 13a and 13b, below)
Other (specify):

13a. If you checked “Physical exercise” in Q.13, how many times per week do you exercise?
3 or more

13b. If you checked “Physical exercise” in Q.13, what type(s) of exercise do you do? *Check all that apply)
Running (indoors or outdoors)
Other (specify):

14. In the last year, have any of the following incidents happened to you when you were driving? (Check all that apply)
Difficulty staying in your lane
Drivers honking at you
Being lost in familiar areas
A speeding ticket
Pulled over by police
Motor vehicle accident resulting in a fender-bender
Motor vehicle accident resulting in an injury
Motor vehicle accident resulting in a death
Other (specify):

I have not driven in the past year (do not check if you have checked any of the above)

15. Have you experienced memory lapses that have caused you to be concerned about your memory?
Yes (continue to Question 16)
No (go directly to Question 18)

16. Since you are concerned about your memory, with whom have you spoken about your memory concerns? (Check all that apply)
No one
My spouse
My adult child (or children)
My friend(s)
My healthcare provider (continue to check all that apply)
         Primary care physician
         Nurse Practitioner
         Mental health professional (for example, psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor)
Other individual or other health specialist (specify):

17. Have you shared your memory concerns with a healthcare professional in the past (other than on National Memory Screening Day)?
- - (Answer for Yes or No below)

Yes. Why? (Check all that apply):
I have relatives with Alzheimer’s disease
I have noticed that I am more forgetful these days
I have gotten lost when I was outside my house
My family or friends have encouraged me to get screened
My employer suggested that I have my memory checked
My primary healthcare provider asked me about my memory
I was aware that my healthcare professional could provide me with a memory screening
I was aware that detection of cognitive impairment is part of the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit
I previously got screened on National Memory Screening Day and wanted to follow up
Other (specify):

No. Why not? (Check all that apply):
I did not think my memory issues were severe enough
I thought Alzheimer’s disease is a normal part of aging
I did not know if my healthcare professional could provide me with a memory screening
I thought I was too young to have Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia
My healthcare provider never asked me about my memory
I was concerned about being labeled with this disease
I did not want to think about it
I believed that since there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, there was no point
My family discouraged me from raising the issue
I did not have health insurance
I did not know that detection of cognitive impairment is part of the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit
Other (specify):

18. Did you get a memory screening on National Memory Screening Day in any of these years? (Check all that apply)

19. In what type of setting(s) would you feel comfortable receiving a memory screening? (Check all that apply)
Doctor’s office
Senior center
Alzheimer’s organization
Social service agency
House of worship
Pharmacy or drug store
Assisted living facility
Supermarket/ convenience store
Other (specify):

20. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?

Thank you so much for completing this voluntary survey.
Please tell your screener that you are finished with this survey.


1. In what type of setting is this screening being held?
Doctor’s office
Alzheimer’s-specific organization
Social service agency
Senior center
Pharmacy or drug store
Assisted living facility
Supermarket/convenience store
House of worship
Other (specify):

2. Please list the 5-digit zip code where the screening site is located:

3. Which screening instrument was used for this participant, and what was their score?
BAS: Score
GPCOG: Score / 9
Mini-Cog: Score / 5
MIS: Score / 8
Kokmen: Score / 38
MMSE: Score / 30
MoCA: Score / 30

Other (specify and note score and range):

4. Did you encourage the participant to follow up with his/her physician or other healthcare professional?

5. Additional comments (optional):


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