A-Screen instructions  Version 1.0 - 2/18/2002

Programmed by - J W Ashford

Developed with: M Mendiondo, R Kryscio, F Schmitt

   at The University of Kentucky

This progam requires 'cbasPad' which can be downloaded from the internet:


Load cbasPad to the palm


"#A-Screen" begins at the end of the instructions. 

    - just that portion needs to be loaded into a memo for download to the Palm

         ("#A-Screen" to "run", inclusive)

    - when cbasPad is installed and the memo downloaded, begin the following instructions:


- Start-up

1) load cbasPad to the palm.

2\ touch cbasPad icon.

3) touch 'drop-down' & touch import.

4) use typing to generate "#A". (then press OK)

5) touch "#A-Screen".

6) touch EXEC.

7) to end at any time: touch "Done"

8) to run at anytime: do steps: 2, 5, 6


- Administration

1) To begin touch "START"

2) For the three-item repetition, encourage the subject to try to remember the items. Make sure that the items are repeated two times clearly.

3) Score the date.

4) For animal naming, read the instruction, then touch "PRESS". Touch the total number of animals named after each new one named.

5) Give plenty of opporunity and encouragemet for the subject to recall the three words.

4) to complete, touch "SCORE"


- Scoring

1) a score less than "12" suggests cognitive impairment. Less than 2% of normal individuals will score in this range.

2) a score greater than 18 suggests no cognitive impairment. For individiuals greater than 60 years of age, yearly testing is recommended.

3) for scores between 12 and 18, additional testing is recommended:

- "spell WORLD backwards"

- "draw a clock"

- errors in either suggest a problem



- Young normal individuals only require about 60 seconds.

- Elderly patients with mild dementia take about 90 seconds to complete.

- Patients who have slowing or are hard of hearing may need up to 120 seconds to complete.

- Supplemental testing requires an additional 2 to 4 minutes.






5 d = fn 42

10 grline 0,0,160,20,-7

12 op "ds","A-Screen v1.0 - 2/18/2002:",20, 3

13 op "ds","a test for Alzheimer's disease",20,20

14 op "ds","(c) Ashford, '02)",20,40

20 grline 95,146,45,13, -7

22 grline 95,146,35,13,4

24 op "ds","START",99,147

39 op "ds","University of Kentucky",20,50

60 op "ds", "Administration directions in",20,85

62 op "ds", "memo: 'A-Screen instructions'",20,100


90 t1 = fn 34

92 t2 = fn 34

94 if (t1 = t2) then goto 92

100 tm = fn 17 : d = fn 42 : po = 0

102 ad = 0 : an = 0 : aw = o

104 a1 = 0 : a2 = 0 : a3 = 0

106 j1= 0

110 op "ds", "Repeat these 3 words:", 2, 16

112 op"ds","ball, flag, tree.",95, 16

114 op "ds", "Please repeat them again.", 2, 25

150 op "ds","What is today's date?",2,37

152 grline 105,50,10,10,4

154 op "ds","wrong",120,50

160 grline 5,50,10,10,4

170 op "ds", "correct",18,50

180 grline 55,50, 10, 10, 4

190 op "ds","+/- 5 ds",68,50

220 op "ds", "Name as many animals as you",2,63

230 op "ds", "can in 30 seconds, GO! PRESS",2,74

240 grline 96,75,28,9,4

250 op "ds", "1 2 3 4 5 6 7",6,86

252 op "ds", "8 9 10 11 12 13", 91,86

260 op "ds", "14 15 16 17 18 19 20", 3,98

262 op "ds", "21 22 23 24 25 +", 88,98

310 op "ds","Recall the 3 words that you",2,116

312 op "ds","repeated!",115,116

320 grline 5,130,10,10,4

330 op "ds", "Ball",20,130

340 grline 55,130,10,10, 4

350 op "ds", "Flag",70,130

360 grline 105,130,10,10,4

370 op "ds", "Tree",120,130

380 grline 95,146,45,13,-7

382 grline 95,146,35,13,4

384 op "ds","SCORE",99,147

620 t1 = fn 34

630 t2 = fn 34

631 if (po=0) then goto 640

632 tr=fn 17 : ts = (tr-tp)/100

633 ts = 30 - int(ts)

634 if (ts < 0) then ts =0

635 s$=str$(ts)

636 if (ts= 0) then s$="END"

637 if (ts= 9) then grline 135,70,20,10,-7

639 op "ds",s$,1135,70

640 if (t1 = t2) then goto 630

650 x = fn 48

660 y = fn 49

670 if (po = 0) then goto 750

700 if((y>115)or(y<85)) then goto 750

701 j=an*12-8

703 grline j,85,10,2,-7

704 grline j,96,10,2,-7

708 j1 = 0

710 if (y>97) then goto 730

715 an=int(x/12)+1

718 j=an*12-8

720 grline j,88,9,8,4

722 grline j,86,9,2,7

725 goto 620

730 j1 = 1

733 grline j,97,10,2,-7

734 grline j,108,10,2,-7

735 an=int(x/12)+1

738 j=an*12-8

740 grline j,100,9,8,4

742 grline j,98,9,2,7

749 goto 620

750 if((y< 50)or(y>60)) then goto 760

751 if((x>5)and(x<15)) then ad=2

752 if((x>55)and(x<65)) then ad=1

754 if((x>105)and(x<115)) then ad=0

755 grline j2,53,4,4,-7

756 j=108-ad*50

757 j2=j

758 grline j,53,4,4,7

759 goto 620

760 if((x>95)and(x<123)and(y> 75)and(y<85)) then goto 800

762 goto 830

800 po=1:tp=fn 17

810 goto 620

830 if((x>5)and(x<15)and(y> 130)and(y<140)) then goto 850

832 if((x>55)and(x<65)and(y> 130)and(y<140)) then goto 852

834 if((x>105)and(x<115)and(y > 130)and(y<140)) then goto 854

836 if((x>94)and(x<133)and(y > 146)and(y<159)) then goto 900

840 goto 630

850 grline 8,133,4,4,7-(a1*14)

851 a1=1-a1:goto 620

852 grline 58,133,4,4,(7-a2*14)

853 a2=1-a2 goto 620

854 grline 108,133,4, 4,(7-a3*14)

855 a3=1-a3:goto 620

880 grline 108,128,4,4,7


900 d = fn 42

901 an=an+j1*13

902 s$ = str$(ad)

904 op "ds", "Date Orientation", 2,20

906 op "ds", s$,120,20

910 s$=str$(an)

912 op "ds", "Number of animals named:", 2,30

914 op "ds",s$,120,30

920 op "ds","Number of words recalled:",2,40

921 at=a1+a2+a3

922 s$=str$(at)

924 op "ds", s$,120,40

930 op "ds","BAS score:", 2,55

932 tt=2 *an/3+2.3*ad+3*at

934 tt=int(tt)

936 s$=str$(int(tt))

938 op "ds",s$,120,55

940 if (tt<12) then goto 950

942 if (tt>18) then goto 960

944 goto 970

950 op "ds","suggests significant impairment,",10,70

952 op "ds","full testing",15,85:goto 1944

960 op "ds","no indication of impairment ",10,70: goto 1944

970 op "ds","recommend further testing",10,70

972 op "ds","- suggest A-Screen supplement",10,85

1944 x = fn 17 : tm = (x-tm)/100

1945 tm = int(tm)

1946 s$ = str$(tm)+" seconds"

1947 op "ds", s$, 20,125

1950 x=fn 17

1980 goto 1950
